Adriancrery – 2019-06-25 15:42:57

Good day to you,
My name is Barrister Gary E. Hamilton, a United State lawyer. I have previously sent you a message regarding a transaction worth ($20,000,000.00 USD (Twenty Million USD Dollars) left by my late client before his tragic death.
I am contacting you once again because after going through your profile, I strongly believe that you will be in a better position to execute this business transaction with me.
Please if you are interested, I wish to point out that after the transaction I want 10% of this money to be donated among charity organizations while the remaining 90% will be shared equal by the both of us.
This transaction is 100% risk free; please respond to me as soon as possible for more detailed information. Here is my email:
Yours Faithfully,
Barrister Gary E. Hamilton

AUTHOR: Adriancrery
SUBJECT: الموضوع
[1_Name الإسم و اللقب ] => Adriancrery
[2_Email البريد الإلكتروني ] =>
[3_Website الصفحة على النت ] =>
[4_Message الرسالة] => Good day to you,
My name is Barrister Gary E. Hamilton, a United State lawyer. I have previously sent you a message regarding a transaction worth ($20,000,000.00 USD (Twenty Million USD Dollars) left by my late client before his tragic death.
I am contacting you once again because after going through your profile, I strongly believe that you will be in a better position to execute this business transaction with me.
Please if you are interested, I wish to point out that after the transaction I want 10% of this money to be donated among charity organizations while the remaining 90% will be shared equal by the both of us.
This transaction is 100% risk free; please respond to me as soon as possible for more detailed information. Here is my email:
Yours Faithfully,
Barrister Gary E. Hamilton
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] =>
[feedback_id] => 264a058f905d382930e2913f4a895314

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طرق النجاة والفلاح ودخول الجنة!

إن بداية الطريق إلى الجنة هو أن نتذكر الغاية التي خلقنا الله تعالى لأجلها، حيث قال: ﴿وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون *ما أريد منهم من رزق وما أريد أن يطعمون*﴾ [الذاريات: 56 ـ 57]. ومعنى الآية أنه تبارك وتعالى خلق العباد ليعبدوه وحده، لا شريك له، فمن أطاعه جازاه أتم الجزاء، ومن عصاه عذبه أشد العذاب، وأخبر أنه غير محتاج إليهم، بل هم الفقراء إليه في جميع أحوالهم، فهو خالقهم ومصورهم ورازقهم.